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ZIP archive structure for roundtrip
When working with ZIP archive based roundtrip workflows, there is a specific structure to the contents of the ZIP archive that must be used. In addition, strict file and folder naming must be used to ensure successful workflows.
This article is an overall guide to the structure and layout of these ZIP archives, as they provide a very flexible tool that can be used to process many different types of content and adapted to fit each unique workflow. More workflow-specific examples and advice is given in specific support articles. Information on filling in and correctly formatting each spreadsheet is provided in the appropriate support articles.
A sample ZIP file can be downloaded from your site.
From the Dashboard, click “Import from Zip Archive”.
Click “download a sample Zip file”.
Metadata spreadsheets
- When spreadsheets are imported one a time, the spreadsheet names are less crucial, but with the complexity of importing a structured ZIP archive, it’s crucial that the spreadsheets use the proper naming convention.
- Best practice is to download the template(s) needed for your current import (see downloading metadata import templates) and rename those files as shown below.
- This is not an exhaustive list, but rather represents the most commonly used spreadsheets.
- Atoms – Audio.csv
- Atoms – File.csv
- Atoms – Image.csv
- Atoms – Video.csv
- Node – Collection.csv
- Node – Community.csv
- Node – Cultural Protocol.csv
- Node – Dictionary Word.csv
- Node – Digital Heritage.csv
- Paragraphs item – Paragraphs bundle dictionary_word_bundle.csv
Structure of an export
- The export generated by Mukurtu employs a more complex structure than is needed to stage an import of new content, but can provide a useful template for structuring your own imports.
- The exact folder structure and exported spreadsheets will depend on the specific export configurations used. See exporting digital heritage items for more information on generating these exports.
- Main folder (will be named “export (x)”, where (x) is the sequential number of exports that have been run.
- Exported metadata spreadsheets.
- “Files” subfolder.
- “Private” subfolder.
- Media type subfolder(s). There will be one subfolder for each type of exported media asset (image, audio, video, file).
- Media asset ID subfolder(s).
- Media file.
- Media asset ID subfolder(s).
- Media type subfolder(s). There will be one subfolder for each type of exported media asset (image, audio, video, file).
- “Private” subfolder.
Structure of an import
- This is an example of a fairly straightforward import folder representing digital heritage items that only contain images or audio files. If more media types or more content types are needed, more spreadsheets and folders will be required.
- Main folder (name does not matter)
- Required import spreadsheets, must be one of the supported filenames (see above)
- “Files” subfolder (can be named something else, but this example uses files)
- Additional media subfolders if needed. This is optional – all files being imported can be placed in the files subfolder, or can be divided up by media type or another factor, if that is useful for your specific import.
- Media files (if using additional media subfolders).
- Media files
- Additional media subfolders if needed. This is optional – all files being imported can be placed in the files subfolder, or can be divided up by media type or another factor, if that is useful for your specific import.