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How to manage keywords

Since new keywords can be generated when a digital heritage item is created, there is a chance that errors will need to be corrected (eg: misspellings, capitalization inconsistency, duplicate entries). Three ways to manage keywords are editing, deleting, and merging.

  • Editing a keyword will apply to all digital heritage items that use that keyword.
  • Deleting a keyword will remove it from all digital heritage items that use it.
  • Merging one keyword into another will replace all uses of the first keyword in digital heritage items with the second keyword.

To manage keywords, from the Dashboard, select Manage keywords from the Categories & Keywords box.

Editing and deleting keywords

The overlay displays all keywords, arranged alphabetically. To edit or delete a keyword, click edit.

To change the spelling of a keyword, make the desired edits in the Name field, then click Save at the bottom of the screen.

To delete a keyword, click Delete at the bottom of the screen.

Then click Delete again on the confirmation screen.

Merging keywords

To merge one keyword into another, click MERGE TERMS in the top right of the screen.

Select the term to be merged into another term from the Terms to Merge box. The first term selected will be replaced with the second term. In the MERGE INTO box, select the term into which the first term will be merged. This term will replace all uses of the first term.

Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

Click Confirm on the confirmation screen.