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Digital heritage metadata fields for roundtrip

Much of the information in this video is also available in different formats in two other support resources.

Please note that the fields are listed in the order that they are presented in the web interface. When you export a template they will likely be in a different order.

This article reflects Mukurtu CMS 2.1.3. There are slight differences with other versions.

Mukurtu Essentials

First, the fields that correspond with the Mukurtu Essentials tab in the web interface. Some of these fields are required and items cannot be imported without them. All required fields are in this group.

  • GUID or NID
    • GUID stands for “Globally Unique Identifier” and NID stands for “Node Identifier”. 
    • You will usually only use one of these fields, but using one or the other is required.
    • Generally, if you are updating an existing item, you will use it’s existing NID and leave the GUID blank. If you are importing a new item, you will assign it a GUID and leave the NID blank – the system will assign it a NID on import.
    • To locate an existing NID, see the Finding node IDs (NIDs) for roundtrip video – it will be a number automatically created by the system.
    • To create a new GUID, it’s important that the identifier is truly unique, so I recommend using a generator, like to create the GUIDs that I need. Again, since the system will assign the items a NID later, I won’t need to work with this GUID again – it’s more important for it to be unique than easy to read.
      • With the GUID generator, you can generate as many as you need, select them all, and then paste them into the sheet.
  • Title
    • This is the title of your digital heritage item, and is a required field.
    • Title is a plain text field, so just enter your title as needed.
  • Summary
    • The summary is usually displayed alongside the title to give users additional contextual information when browsing the site.
    • This is a plain text field, and it is relatively short. It can only be 255 characters in length. There are longer descriptive fields available elsewhere.
  • Media Assets
    • This field will either reference the SID or SCALD ID of an already updated media asset, or the GUID of a media asset as part of a ZIP archive import.
    • To find the SID, see the Finding media asset SCALD IDs (SIDs) for roundtrip article.
    • For more information on ZIP archive imports, see the other support resources on this topic.
    • To include more than one media asset, separate each SID or GUID with a semicolon.
  • Community
    • Community is a required field.
    • Enter the NID of the relevant community or communities.
    • Again, refer to the Finding node IDs (NIDs) for roundtrip video.
    • If there is more than one community, separate their NIDs with a semicolon.
  • Protocol
    • Protocol is a required field.
    • Enter the NID of the relevant protocol or protocols. Remember that for each community that is selected, you must include one or more protocols from within that community.
    • Again, refer to the Finding node IDs (NIDs) for roundtrip video.
    • If there is more than one protocol, separate their NIDs with a semicolon.
  • Item Sharing Settings
    • The item sharing settings dictate how multiple protocols interact, and is a required field.
    • The only valid entries for this field are any or all.
    • If you only have one protocol selected, it doesn’t really matter which value you use – I suggest all.
    • If you have more than one protocol selected, this is really important. If you use any, a user who is enrolled in any one of the selected protocols can see this item – this is the more permissive setting. If you use all, a user must be enrolled in all of the protocols selected – this is the more restrictive setting.
  • Category
    • Category is a required field.
    • Enter the relevant categories exactly as they appear on the site – spelling and capitalization matter.
    • If you type a category that is not already on the site, it will be created on import.
    • To list more than one category, separate them with a semicolon.
  • Creator
    • The creator is the person or organization responsible for creating the content represented in the digital heritage item.
    • If there is more than one creator, separate their names with a semicolon.
  • Contributor
    • The contributor is the person or organization who helped create the content represented in the digital heritage item.
    • If there is more than one contributor, separate their names with a semicolon.
  • Original Date
    • This is a coded date field. 
    • The format is YYYY-MM-DD.
    • This can include a partial date, so just the Year, or the Year and Month.
  • Original Date Description
    • This is a text field, where more flexible information about the date can be entered without having to strictly format it. 
    • This field is limited to 255 characters
  • Username
    • This is a required field.
    • Enter the username of the account responsible for creating the digital heritage item. It may be the administrator account uploading the item, or a different user who created the metadata.
    • Only one name can be entered, and it must match the correct username as it appears on the site.

Mukurtu Core

  • The Cultural Narrative, Traditional Knowledge, and Description fields are closely connected.
    • These fields provide a space for different layers of description, narrative, and knowledge about the item.
    • They are all rich text fields, so some HTML formatting can be used in addition to plain text, and do not have a limited length.
  • Keywords
    • Keywords are useful for ensuring that users can find the items they’re searching for. Including keywords here that don’t appear in the title or description can go a long way to making items discoverable. The list of keywords also appears on the digital heritage browse page.
    • To list more than one keyword, separate them with a semicolon.

Rights and Permissions

  • Publisher
    • The publisher is the organization responsible for publishing the work, if relevant.
    • To list more than one publisher, separate them with a semicolon.
  • Rights
    • Rights is usually used to provide a rights, usage, copyright, or other similar statement.
    • This is a plain text field, with no limit.
  • Licensing Options
    • A single creative commons license can be entered in this field.
    • There is a specific format needed for each of the licenses. Select from the list below:
  • Traditional Knowledge Labels
    • Up to four TK Labels can be entered here, separated with semicolons.
    • There is a specific format needed for each of the labels, see below: 

Additional Metadata

  • Format
    • Format is often used to give specifics about the item, like file format, physical dimensions, runtime, among others.
    • Separate multiple format values with a semicolon.
  • Type
    • Type is usually used to represent the general form of the item, like sound recording, image, or document.
    • Separate multiple type values with a semicolon.
  • Identifier
    • The identifier field is the place to put a unique identifier, like an accession number, catalogue number, or similar identifier.
    • This is a plain text field, limited to 255 characters.
  • Language
    • You can list the language or languages present in the item.
    • Languages can be entered in plain text, with multiple languages separated by a semicolon.
  • Source
    • The source field is often used to list information like collection, physical location, donor, or something similar. 
    • This is a plain text field, limited to 255 characters.
  • Subject
    • Subject can be used to list subject headings or other similar taxonomy terms.
    • Enter subjects in plain text, separate multiple subjects with a semicolon.
  • People
    • The people field is used to identify someone who is either present in, or referenced in the item, as opposed to a creator or contributor.
    • If there are multiple people, separate their names with a semicolon.
  • Transcription
    • Transcription is a simple plain text field, not a time-coded transcription.
    • There is no length limit.
  • Location
    • The location field allows you to place a single map point using geofield formatting. The formatting and an example are below:
      • POINT ([longitude] [latitude])
      • POINT (-117.30825625714 46.738354019427)
    • Only one location can be used.
  • Location Description
    • This is a rich text field to add descriptive information about the location without giving geolocation information. 
    • Some HTML formatting can be used in this field.
  • External Links
    • You can provide links to other sites – this is often used if an item appears in other institutional collections and you want to to provide links to those sites.
    • The format for a link is the URL – then two vertical bars – and then the name of the link as you want it to display. Foe example:
      •||Mukurtu CMS
    • Separate multiple links with a semicolon.


  • Related Content
    • You can relate digital heritage items directly to other site content, including other digital heritage items and dictionary words. Note that you can relate an item to a collection as well, but that is not the same as placing an item *in* a collection.
    • To select content to relate, locate and enter the NID for each item. 
    • Separate multiple NIDs with a semicolon.
    • Finding node IDs (NIDs) for roundtrip
  • Collections
    • You can place an item within a collection.
    • Enter the NID of the collection here. To place an item in multiple collections, separate NIDs with a semicolon.
    • Finding node IDs (NIDs) for roundtrip

There are a few other fields that are unlikely to be used, or at least only used in specific circumstances

  • Book Parent and Book Pages
    • This will be covered in depth in it’s own support article, but when the book page or multi-page document feature is used, each page is effectively it’s own complete item, connected together by the system. 
    • Interior book pages will reference the NID of the first page of the book, and the first page will reference the NID of all the subsequent pages.
  • Community Records and Community Record Parent
    • When a community record is created, it is effectively it’s own complete item, but connected to the primary digital heritage item. 
    • The primary item will reference the NID of the community record, and the community record will reference the NID of the primary digital heritage item.
    • It is unlikely you will use either of these fields, unless you are working with items that have been exported from a site.
  • Personal Collections
    • Users can add items to their own personal collections. It’s very unlikely that his field would need to be used when creating a new item, but it may be present when exporting existing items.
  • Related Digital Heritage Items
    • As of 2.1.3, this field should not be used. It was used through version 2.1.2, but has since been replaced with the Related Content field, which should be used instead. This field will likely be hidden in a future update.
  • Related Dictionary Words
    • As of 2.1.3, this field should not be used. It was used through version 2.1.2, but has since been replaced with the Related Content field, which should be used instead. This field will likely be hidden in a future update.